Secretary-Treasurer Elizabeth “Liz” Powell Honored with Shirley Chisholm Breakthrough Leader Award

On July 30, Secretary-Treasurer Elizabeth “Liz” Powell was honored with the 2020 Shirley Chisholm Breakthrough Leader Award, named after the “unbought and unbossed” 1972 presidential candidate. The award was presented as part of The Summit for Civil Rights, an annual convening of civil rights leaders across labor, government, academia, faith and law to, “respond to the powerful and dangerous intersection of enduring racial disparities, widening economic inequality, and rising political polarization throughout our entire society.” […]

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Don’t Give Them Your “Postal Pulse”

The USPS is once again starting their attempts to get their employees “engaged”. It is Postal Pulse time again! Most likely you have received emails, direct mailings, stand-up talks, and have seen wall postings encouraging you to take the survey. The APWU wants to remind all employees that we advise against participating in surveys that the Postal Service conducts. Recent surveys besides the Postal Pulse have be used to attack our jobs. In the past surveys have been used […]

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Statement from APWU President Mark Dimondstein on U.S. President Donald Trump’s Advocating Postponement of November Presidential Election

Over the last four months, U.S. President Donald Trump has publicly criticized “vote by mail” over seventy (70) times, claiming it leads to corruption and massive voter fraud. The history and facts prove otherwise. “Vote by mail” is private, secure and has provided access to the ballot box for millions of voters, including President Trump and his family members who routinely vote by mail. Independent studies have determined that since 2000, more than 250 million […]

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APWU Statement on the Killing of George Floyd and the Continuing Struggle for Justice

The three General Officers of the APWU, President Mark Dimondstein, Executive-Vice President Debby Szeredy, and Secretary-Treasurer Elizabeth Powell issued the following statement: Fair minded people from all walks of life and political viewpoints are deeply disturbed and rightfully outraged by the killing of unarmed and handcuffed African-American George Floyd at the hands of four Minneapolis police officers. George Floyd was pinned face down on the ground with a knee on his neck for over eight […]

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Join the Mass Poor People’s Assembly & Moral March on Washington Digitally

A National Call for Moral Revival: June 20, 2020 Online at 10am & 6pm EST On June 20th, the Poor People’s Campaign will hold the largest digital and social media gathering of poor and low-wealth people, moral and religious leaders, advocates, and people of conscience in this nation’s history. The recent protests and the global pandemic are exposing the already existing crisis of systemic racism, poverty, ecological devastation, the war economy and militarism, and the […]

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2020 Scholarship Deadline Extended to June 30, 2020

The deadline for the submission of applications for the E.C. Hallbeck academic scholarship ($8,000 over a four-year period), vocational scholarship ($3,000 over a three-year period) and Best Essay Award (one-time $2,000 towards four-year college tuition) has been extended to June 30, 2020, APWU Secretary-Treasurer Liz Powell has announced. Applicants must be the child, grandchild, stepchild, or legally adopted child, of a current, retired, or deceased APWU member and a senior attending high school or other secondary […]

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On the Appointment of Louis DeJoy as the 75th Postmaster General of the United States Postal Service

Statement from Mark Dimondstein, President of the American Postal Workers Union, On the Appointment of Louis DeJoy as the 75th Postmaster General of the United States Postal Service Fifty years ago, postal workers waged a heroic nationwide strike to win better pay, benefits and the right to collective bargaining. This strike also recreated the United States Postal Service as an independent agency, designed to be free from the political patronage and cronyism that had plagued the […]

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Mourning Postal Workers Lost in COVID-19 Pandemic

The worldwide COVID pandemic has tragically claimed the lives of tens of thousands of people in the United States, including over thirty-five postal workers and a number of APWU members. “The APWU extends our deepest sympathies to the families of our members who have lost loved ones during this terrible crisis,” said APWU President Mark Dimondstein. “The APWU family grieves as one.” We also hope for the speedy recovery of the many postal workers sickened […]

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Due to Covid Pandemic, the National Executive Board Votes to Postpone 25th Biennial National Convention

After much thought and consideration for the safety of our Local and State delegates, national officers, families, guests and friends, and the ability to have a democratic and fully participatory convention, the National Executive Board has made the difficult decision to postpone the APWU 25th Biennial National Convention scheduled in Los Angeles, CA this coming August. The National Executive Board will soon be discussing where to go from here. There will be no stones left […]

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COVID-19 Emergency Considerations for Fiscal Year 2020 MS-47, TL-5 Line H Liabilities

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the parties agree the following conditions will be applied when determining any MS-47, TL-5 Line H liabilities for Fiscal Year 2020 (FY20): Custodians should be utilized to the maximum extent possible, including overtime, in order to ensure all necessary cleaning is completed. Due to custodians needing to complete regular custodial team cleaning (CTC) routes and the cleaning requirements as stated in MMO-031-20, Influenza and Coronavirus Cleaning Contingency, each day a […]

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MOU (Temporary Exception Period – Clerk Craft Staffing Function 1 & Function 4—COVID19)

Through May 25, 2020, the Postal Service may hire additional temporary employees called Function 1 Mail Processing Assistants and Function 4 Clerk Assistants. As with the other MOUs, career clerks and PSEs should be utilized up to the maximum allowable hours each week. Also, all new Clerk Assistants that are hired will be provided safety training and training/updates/stand-up talks on the current COVID19 policies and procedures at the USPS. Temporary Exception Period – Clerk Craft Staffing Function 1 & Function […]

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“I want to take a moment to thank you” – Oregon Senator Jeffrey Merkley

On March 27, Oregon Senator Jeffrey Merkley issued a letter of commendation and appreciation to the members of the APWU stating, “I want to take a moment to thank you for your efforts keeping the mail moving and our communities connected…Your service is foundational to our country, critical to our daily lives, and what enables people to stay home as we fight this pandemic together.” Senator Merkley closed his letter with, “During these difficult times […]

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Families First Coronavirus Recovery Act

The Families First Coronavirus Recovery Act (FFCRA) extends to postal employees some additional leave benefits due to the Coronavirus and the illness it causes–COVID-19. APWU represented employees, both career and non-career, are entitled to the leave provisions enacted by the FFCRA. Two new leave types are now extended to postal employees. Up to 80 hours of Emergency Paid Sick Leave for specific qualifying reasons. Public Health Emergency Leave, which amends the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA), allowing employees […]

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New Retail Directive to District Managers and Postmasters

March 26, 2020 Share this article This pdf includes additional directives to district managers and postmasters.  Specifically dealing with retail units. It addresses social distancing, dealing with the hazmat question, increased cleaning frequencies, AND instructions to place/install  “cough/sneeze” barriers to protect employees.   DISTRICT MANAGERS AND POSTMASTERS As we have seen over the last several weeks, the COVID-19 pandemic is having a drastic impact on the American people. During times of turbulence, however, the critical role […]

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Statement from President Dimondstein: Postal Workers in a Time of Crisis

Mark Dimondstein March 25, 2020 Since the early days of the Postal Service, we postal workers have helped stitch the fabric of the country together. Even in times of crisis – whether natural disaster, conflict, or economic calamity – the Postal Service has always been there, steadily reaching every American home and business in their time of need. Today is a time of crisis unlike any we’ve seen in generations. A global pandemic threatens the […]

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APWU Pushes for Postal Workers During Pandemic

March 24, 2020 As the coronavirus pandemic unfolds, APWU leaders are in constant discussion with USPS management, demanding temporary leave policies, telework provisions where possible, and better safety policies, supplies, and equipment. “Our very first priority is ensuring that the Postal Service provides for the health and safety of our members,” said APWU President Mark Dimondstein. “Postal workers are on the frontlines of the pandemic response. We need to ensure that the hardworking men and […]

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USPS Area Vice Presidents Letter on Liberal Changes of Schedule and Leave

March 23, 2020 As part of our ongoing collective response to the coronavirus pandemic and efforts to protect the health and safety of our members and their families, we have been meeting with USPS management. Today, the USPS issued the following letter to Area Vice Presidents stating the following: To the extent operationally practicable, managers and supervisors should accommodate employees who submit PS Form 3189, Request for Temporary Schedule Change for Personal Convenience as a result […]

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Information for APWU Members on COVID-19

Your union officers are holding ongoing conversations with the Postal Service about COVID-19. We will continue to be in discussions with the Postal Service as the spread of the disease widens around the world and new information is learned. The APWU always prioritizes health and safety and is engaged on this issue. We are not allowing the Postal Service to take a passive approach to the risks of the disease. The most recent information on […]

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Pandemic: APWU Signs Leave Adjustments with USPS

March 18, 2020 Our first priority during the ongoing coronavirus outbreak has been ensuring the health and safety of our members and that of the public. To that end, today the union signed two memoranda of understanding with the Postal Service temporarily expanding paid leave for PSEs and expanding the use of dependent care leave for postal employees with unexpected childcare needs as a result of the pandemic. Members should consult the attached memoranda and […]

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The coronavirus, officially named COVID-19, originating in China, has now spread to over 65 countries including to the United States. The APWU is continuing to monitor the situation and is in constant contact with the USPS about COVID-19. The Postal Service informed the APWU on Feb. 29, 2020, that an employee tested positive for the virus. Last week, the APWU initiated a meeting with USPS leadership to discuss their response to the virus. On March […]

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APWU Cancels Commemoration of 50th Anniversary of the Great Postal Strike

March 10, 2020 Due to the concerning and rapid developments surrounding the Coronavirus pandemic and related health and safety concerns Due to the concerning and rapid developments surrounding the Coronavirus pandemic and related health and safety concerns regarding travel combined with government advice on avoiding large gatherings, the APWU has cancelled the 50th Anniversary of the Great Postal Strike commemoration that had been scheduled for NYC on March 28, 2020. We will move the celebration […]

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APWU Meets with USPS on the Spread of Coronavirus (COVID-19)

March 4, 2020 The coronavirus, officially named COVID-19, originating in China, has now spread to over 65 countries including to the United States. The APWU is continuing to monitor the situation and is in constant contact with the USPS about COVID-19. The Postal Service informed the APWU on Feb. 29, 2020, that an employee tested positive for the virus. Last week, the APWU initiated a meeting with USPS leadership to discuss their response to the […]

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Over 400,000 People Demand a Postmaster General Who Supports the Public Postal Service

On Jan. 6, APWU national officers, fellow union members, organizers and activists, many from organizations in A Grand Alliance to Save Our Public Postal Service (Grand Alliance), gathered at USPS Headquarters to demand the Postal Board of Governors preserve the public Postal Service. The rally concluded a hugely successful petition drive launched after current Postmaster General Megan Brennan announced in October that she would retire on Jan. 31, 2020. 400,000 people signed the petition supporting […]

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Tentative Agreements reached for National Professional Postal Nurses (NPPN) and the Information Technology/Accounting Services (IT/AS) units.

The American Postal Workers Union and U.S. Postal Service have come to tentative terms on Collective Bargaining Agreements (CBA) for the National Professional Postal Nurses (NPPN) contract and the Information Technology/Accounting Services (IT/AS) contracts, announced Support Services Director Steve Brooks. Professional Postal Nurses Win Tentative Agreement on New Contract After years of struggle to get a successor collective bargaining agreement, Professional Postal Nurses (NPPN) reached an agreement subject to member ratification. The agreement provides retroactive […]

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