Don’t Give Them Your “Postal Pulse”
The USPS is once again starting their attempts to get their employees “engaged”. It is Postal Pulse time again! Most likely you have received emails, direct mailings, stand-up talks, and have seen wall postings encouraging you to take the survey.
The APWU wants to remind all employees that we advise against participating in surveys that the Postal Service conducts.
Recent surveys besides the Postal Pulse have be used to attack our jobs. In the past surveys have been used against the APWU and those we represent in the bargaining processing. Postal Service surveys are not in our best interests. Collectively, our voices are stronger when we fight together to improve wages, benefits, and the working conditions at the Post Office.
The Postal Pulse has now been conducted for multiple years and the APWU does not believe the survey has been beneficial to the membership. Do not let the promise of a pizza party or the promise of some inexpensive “award” lure you into participation. You have the right to refuse the survey and you cannot be instructed to participate.