Stand Up for Safe Jobs This Workers Memorial Day

The number one priority of all levels of the APWU leadership during the current coronavirus crisis has been the health and safety of postal workers, our families, and that of the postal public. As part of our work to keep postal workers healthy and safe, we are encouraging all members to continue to Stand Up for Safe Jobs and Protect Our Rights for a safe workplace during this year’s Workers Memorial Day. As we continue our essential work, the […]

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OWCP Online Claim Filing

All postal employees who are injured on duty will soon have the option of filing Office of Workers’ Compensation (OWCP) claims online through the Employees’ Compensation Operation and Management Portal (ECOMP). This is a long overdue option that will finally bring the Postal Service into compliance with a Federal Employees’ Compensation Act (FECA) regulation requiring all federal agencies, including the USPS, to offer employees electronic claim filing directly with OWCP by December 31, 2012. A […]

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Fighting Back Against Hostile Work Environments

Vance Zimmerman June 3, 2019 (This article first appeared in the May/June 2019 issue of the American Postal Worker magazine)  “A workplace free of harassment is beneficial to everyone. The environment in the postal workplace, however, can be difficult if not miserable.” These are first two sentences of an issue statement that we submitted to the Postal Service during contract negotiations, but they may actually understate what many of the members of the APWU face in the […]

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How to Report Hazards, Unsafe Conditions or Practices with PS Form 1767

This form is to be used to report hazards, unsafe conditions, work practice and, in the opinion of the APWU, hostile work environments. You can use this form to report anything that you think could jeopardize your health: Dirty conditions, pests, mold, disturbed or broken building materials (tiles, insulation, etc.) The form must be readily available and easily accessible to all workers on the workroom floor. You should not have to ask a supervisor for […]

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Fighting for Workplace Safety

04/28/2017 – The majority of this web news article is reprinted from the “Looking Back” section of the May-June 2017 issue of the American Postal Worker. Before passage of the Occupational Safety and Health Act in December 1970, millions of Americans risked their lives every time they reported for duty – there were no national safety laws designed to protect workers across industries. In 1970, groundbreaking legislation created the Occupational Health and Safety Administration (OSHA), […]

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Safe Jobs | APWU

In 2014, more than 36,000 postal workers were injured or sickened at work. At least 10 suffered fatalities. Here’s the simple truth: If we want a safe workplace, we have to work together to make it happen. Please join this important effort. A safe workplace must be the right of every worker! Safe Jobs | APWU

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OSHA Standards

PART 1904 – Recording and Reporting Occupational Injuries and Illnesses The regulations in this part implement sections 8(c)(1), (2), 8(g)(2), and 24 (a) and (e) of the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970. These sections provide for recordkeeping and reporting by employers covered under the act as necessary or appropriate for enforcement of the act, for developing information regarding the causes and prevention of occupation accidents and illnesses, and for maintaining a program of […]

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Iowa Post Office Issued $44,000 Fine for OSHA Violations | APWU

Workers Exposed to Electrical, Chemical Hazards Web News Article #: 161-201608/04/2016 – On July 29, a post office located in Osceola, IA, was issued a fine of $44,000 for four serious and one repeated safety violations. The fines follow a complaint made in February alleging safety concerns at the facility. According to the investigation, the Postal Service: Exposed workers to electrical hazards by using a power strip improperly and creating a potential fire hazard. Allowed […]

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Des Moines Postal Facility Issued $119,000 Fine for OSHA Violations

Web News Article #: 118-2016 06/07/2016 – The University Station post office and sorting facility in Des Moines, IA was issued fine of $119,000 for two repeated and two serious OSHA citations on June 2. OSHA launched the investigation following a complaint in December that alleged various safety concerns.  Violations include: Workers are exposed to slip, trip and fall hazards because a jagged, metal conduit extended vertically into carriers’ walking path. A mechanical fire door located […]

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