Wage Increase Set For November 21

A salary increase that was negotiated as part of the 2018-2021 Collective Bargaining Agreement will take effect on November 21, 2020 (pp-25). Career employees will receive a raise of 1 percent and Postal Support Employees (who are not eligible for cost-of-living allowance adjustments) will receive a raise of 2 percent.

Coinciding with the raise will be a dues increase, in accordance with Article 16.2 (a) of the APWU Constitution and Bylaws. Union dues for career employees will be increased by 66 cents per member, per pay period, with 44 cents of the increase going to locals and state organizations and 22 cents going to the national union; dues for PSEs will increase by 39 cents per member, per pay period, with 26 cents of the increase going to locals and state organizations and 13 cents going to the national union. The raise in dues will be reflected in paychecks dated Dec. 11.

Local Elections In compliance with Department of Labor (DOL) guidelines, local and state organizations should have held local and state elections. While the DOL-recognized locals may need to delay required elections because of the pandemic, elections are still required to take place on a certain date to be in compliance with DOL guidelines.

Local unions have the ability to use Zoom to facilitate nominations and state organizations are able to conduct nominations and elections during their convention. If your are a local or state officer who wants to become familiar with Zoom in preparation for their local or state election, contact the Secretary-Treasurer’s Department for information and assistance.

What We Should be Doing This November and December

As 2020 comes to a close, locals are reminded to take care of important housekeeping tasks in preparation for the new year. Here is a quick reminder of what locals should be doing this November and December:

  • Review 2020 budget and prepare a 2021 budget of your fiscal year ending December 31, 2021.
  • Shred financial records prior to 2015 (remember you must keep financial records for 5 years plus the current year).
  • Update local asset inventory and properly dispose of old and broken equipment and furniture with a properly approved motion.
  • Archive the minutes of membership and executive board meetings for 2020.
  • Prepare a calendar of activities and deadlines for 2021.

Locals that need assistance with these tasks should contact the APWU Secretary-Treasurer’s office at 202-842-4215 or contact Annette August-Taylor, Executive Assistant to the Secretary- Treasurer, aaugust@apwu.org.

National Convention October 2021, Resolutions and All Craft Conference

Preparations are ongoing for the October 2021 APWU National Convention and All Craft Conference. Local and State officers should pay close attention to information in the American Postal Worker, email correspondence and information posted on apwu.org. Deadlines pertaining to the acceptance of resolutions printed in the convention book, as well as other important information to assist local and state organizations with budgeting and planning for dates covering September 30 through October 7, 2021, will be provided in the new year.