Welcome to the APWU Family, USPS Human Resources Shared Service Workers
On Tuesday December 17th, a large group of non-supervisory USPS Shared Services Personnel Processing Specialists at the USPS Human Resources Shared Services Center (HRSSC) in Greensboro, NC voted to join the APWU! The margin of victory was an overwhelming 161-47!

Human Resource Shared Services Center (HRSSC) in
Greensboro, NC voted to join the APWU by a margin of 161-47!
The vote was the culmination of a six-month organizing campaign initiated by employees at the HRSSC. The employees are fed up with their current “pay for performance” system, but until now they lacked their union to bargain with postal management for needed change.
The employees’ internal organizing committee worked tirelessly to educate co-workers, sign union cards, hold meetings, distribute flyers and do everything needed to win collective bargaining rights. Their efforts included a delegation of six employees who took their own time and traveled to Washington, DC to join APWU President Mark Dimondstein in a meeting with Postmaster General Megan Brennan, to ensure their rights to organize were fully respected.
“The APWU enthusiastically welcomes the HRSSC Specialists into our union family and we have already issued the new local union its charter,” said President Mark Dimondstein. “We salute the determined work of the organizing committee and the guidance of APWU national organizer Rich Shelley in bringing this campaign to victory. In addition, I commend the Postal Service for respecting the legal right of the employees to unionize without interference.”
The APWU leadership looks forward to working together with these newly-organized postal employees to achieve a union contract that respects and rewards the important work they perform. It is a victory for all postal workers that these employees understand and appreciate the collective strength of workers joining together in the APWU.