Significant COLA Increase

Web News Article #: 18-2017

02/15/2017Career employees represented by the APWU will receive a 16 cent per hour cost-of-living adjustment (COLA) effective March 4, in accordance with the 2015-2018 Collective Bargaining Agreement (Postal Support Employees are not eligible for cost-of-living increases, but they receive five general wage increases under the 2015-2018 contract). The increase is the result of an increase in the Consumer Price Index (CPI-W). The increase will appear in paychecks dated March 24 (Pay Period 06-2017), and will total $333.00 per year.

This is the second cost-of-living increase under the 2015-2018 contract.

APWU COLA benefits “underscore the importance of collective bargaining rights,” said President Mark Dimondstein. “It is because APWU members have joined together in a union, and negotiate together, that the contract includes COLA raises based on the CPI.”

The next COLA increase will be based on the July 2017 CPI-W and will be effective in September 2017. Additional COLAs will be based on the January 2018 and July 2018 CPI-W.

The cost-of-living adjustments are in addition to general wage increases.

Updated pay scales are available at