Join a May Day Event!

04/28/2017 - May Day, the annual holiday recognizing the international working class, will be celebrated around the world on May 1.

This year hundreds of thousands are expected to participate in demonstrations, strikes, and shows of solidarity. Coast to coast, workers and allies will join together and fight for respect, dignity, equal rights, and opportunity for working people of all backgrounds – whether they be immigrants, coal and steel workers, services employees or day laborers.

APWU encourages all members to take part in this historic day, and bring attention to workers’ issues at home and across the world!

May Day, the annual holiday recognizing the international working class, originated in the 1880s. The holiday was born out of the historic fight for the eight-hour day, centered in Chicago.

May Day is celebrated in over 80 countries, with mass rallies and in many countries a paid day off from work (though it is not recognized in the United States as a federal holiday).

On May Day 2006, workers mobilized in droves to protest proposed anti-immigrant legislation by the Bush administration. Eleven years later, history is repeating itself, as workers across the country prepare to come together in solidarity.

For more information about the union partnered event in Washington, DC, visit Click here to find events in California. For other areas, check your local listings for events close to you. 

May Day, the international day of worker solidarity, lives!

If you take part in an event, please send pictures of you, your family and/or co-workers to for a chance to be featured on the APWU website or in future publications. Remember to wear your union gear!

Source: Join a May Day Event! | APWU