10 Roads Express Drivers Celebrate Unanimous “Union Yes” Election Win in Richmond, VA

Drivers for 10 Roads Express in Richmond, VA voted 17-0 to join the APWU. The Richmond drivers are now the fifth 10 Roads Express location to unionize with the APWU since 2022.

The workers stood strong in solidarity against management’s union busting consultants, who spread misinformation and used scare tactics to intimidate the workers. Despite managements’ anti-union campaign, the workers won unanimously and showed they have a real voice and power to bargain with management.

The drivers petitioned to join the union to fight to secure fair work rules, seniority and bidding rights, job security, as well as being treated with the dignity and respect that they deserve as professional drivers.

Shortly after the result was announced, 10 Roads Express driver and organizer Roland Weeden reflected on the win, saying “It means we have a say, and we are not people [that] they can fire at will. We do our jobs, get the mail across the country, and it’s good to have that union support. Keep pushing forward and it will come through.”

“It was well worth it,” stated 10 Roads Express driver Michael Griffin, when asked about his experience with the organizing campaign, adding that the workers organized for a collective voice to speak up for the drivers, and the protections that only a union contract can provide.

“I congratulate the 10 Roads Express drivers in Richmond on this unanimous win, and welcome these new members into our union,” said APWU President Mark Dimondstein. “I’d like to thank lead organizer Rich Shelley, as well as the organizing team, Lori Cash, Chuck McFarland, and Ray Scanlon for their efforts in supporting this campaign. This successful and unanimous win is yet another example of the worker power that 10 Roads Express drivers have exhibited in their recent organizing campaigns. The message remains the same, if you want better wages and benefits, dignity and respect, and protection against unfair management decisions, you need a union.”