Introducing: The First-Ever National Young Members’ Committee!
Convention News Service Bulletin 03-2016 (1.7 MB)
08/25/2016 – It’s a sign of the times: An energized, fighting spirit has gripped the APWU. To build on the momentum and secure a vibrant future for the union, convention delegates overwhelmingly approved a resolution to create a National Young Members’ Committee.
The resolution, which was submitted by the Baltimore Area Local, calls for a committee comprised of one young member and one alternate from each of the union’s five regions. The representatives will be recommended by the Regional Coordinators and appointed by the President.
The youth representatives will meet at least once a year and will convene during each national convention to report on the state of youth membership in the APWU.
Numerous young workers took to the convention’s floor microphones to speak in favor of the resolution.
“We have a wave of young workers coming in and they are not really sure of what the union is,” said Spencer Gilbert, 23, of the Western Michigan Area Local. “This will be a great way to get them organized and involved in the union.”
Sabrina Larson, a member of the Salt Lake City Area Local, said that it will make a big difference in the lives of young workers. “We would like to learn and be mentored by more experienced people,” she said.
Kandice Cunningham of the Las Vegas Area Local agreed. “We are the future of the APWU and the Postal Service, and if you guys are willing to share your knowledge and experience with us, nothing but progression and growth will continue to happen in this union,” she said.
“As young people, we really want to build on the hard work and rights you have all fought for. We don’t want any of your hard work to go to waste,” Cunningham continued. “We want to continue to fight for our rights and build this foundation that has become a platform for us. Nothing but growth can continue to come from young workers.”
Support and encouragement for the young workers has been a theme throughout the convention.
Source: Introducing: The First-Ever National Young Members’ Committee! | APWU