1st Payment Paid for Lead Clerk TACS Settlement

By National Business Agent: “Chuck Locke

The first payment was more than $8 Million Dollars. The second payment is scheduled to be made in December.

The first payment has gone out on the Lead Clerk TACS settlement which covers all of California.

Finally, some of us will get a Christmas bonus. There have been some problems with retirees getting their checks. Retiree checks should have been sent to the office of their last employment. If you were on the payout list, retired and did not get your check, please contact me at clocke@apwu.org.

This settlement also required the Lead Clerks to be properly trained to perform the TACS work.

At this time, all of the Lead Clerks should have received the TACS training and be preforming the timekeeping work.

If you are not, see your Union steward and file a grievance.

Your clerk craft NBAs worked hard on this issue and we are glad to get this work back.