AFL-CIO Executive Council Elects Sister Liz Shuler President

Today, the AFL-CIO Executive Council elected Sister Liz Shuler President of the federation to fill the vacancy left by the untimely death of Brother Richard Trumka on August 5.

Sis. Shuler, a member of the IBEW, had previously served as the AFL-CIO’s Secretary-Treasurer and is the first woman to lead the AFL-CIO.

Brother Fred Redmond of the Steelworkers was also elected as the next Secretary-Treasurer. Brother Tefere Gebre will continue serving as executive Vice President. 

In his remarks before the council, APWU president Mark Dimondstein congratulated Shuler and Redmond and pledged “APWU remains fully dedicated to strengthening the AFL-CIO.” He also urged his colleagues to seize the transition as an opportunity to “lead a debate we desperately need on the future of the workers’ movement” committed to building workers’ power, organizing the unorganized and defending democracy.

The APWU encourages all APWU locals and state organizations to join and be active in their respective Central Labor Councils and State Federations. The unity and solidarity of all workers at every level is essential to the future of our movement. 

More information on today’s election is available at the AFL-CIO website.