‘Stick’ Together in September!

On Sept. 4, the APWU and USPS will begin the interest arbitration proceedings for our new Collective Bargaining Agreement (union contract). Further hearing dates are scheduled for later in the fall.

Our negotiating team is fully prepared – backed by economists, attorneys, staff and postal worker witnesses! We faced a similar battle in the 2015 negotiations, and we intend to prevail again!

Every APWU member an important role to play during interest arbitration. It is vital that we show unity and solidarity as we begin the final phase of our contract battle. Every member will be receiving stickers that read: “Arbitration 2019 – Good Contract NOW,” during the month of September. Wrist bands will be available for window clerks through your local and state organizations.

With thousands of members across the country wearing the stickers, we will send the message to management: APWU members are united in support of our contract demands! These include:

  • Fair wage increases & cost-of-living adjustments (COLAs),
  • Job security by retaining the no-layoff clause and the 50-mile limit on excessing,
  • Improvements for PTFs and PSEs,
  • More career jobs,
  • Increased USPS contributions to health care premiums,
  • Limits on subcontracting,
  • Addressing workplace harassment,
  • Gaining better service for our customers.

Management’s regressive and insulting proposals include no pay increases or COLAs, more non-career workers, a new lower pay and benefit structure for future career employees, elimination of the no lay-off provision, custodial work subcontracting, replacing PTFs with PSEs, and increasing workers’ share of health care premiums.

The battle lines are drawn. We encourage you to show your union pride by wearing your sticker during the month of September. Take a selfie or a group picture with your coworkers and email it to nccc@apwu.org. Post it on social media with #APWUnited. Let’s show our solidarity across the country.

Members in the official USPS uniform should not wear stickers. Instead, they should contact their local or state union for wristbands.