Now It Is Easier to File FECA COVID Claims

The recently signed American Rescue Plan of 2021 makes it easier to file Federal Employee Compensation Act (FECA) claims for COVID-19. The Office of Workers’ Compensation Programs (OWCP) wants federal and postal employees to know that anyone who is a “covered employee” can file a COVID-19 claim. 

A covered employee is someone whose job requires contact with the public or co-workers. If you qualify and are diagnosed with COVID-19, you qualify for FECA coverage. Even if you had COVID in the past, OWCP is encouraging postal workers to file a claim now in case you need covered care in the future. 

See the flyer below for information on who qualifies and how employees can register in Employees’ Compensation Operations and Management Portal (ECOMP) and file a claim. 

The APWU will be working with OWCP on more way to educate postal workers about filing FECA claims for COVID.  In the meantime, please circulate the attached flyer as broadly as possible. 

If you have any questions, contact OWCP directly through the ECOMP portal.