Urgent Action: Urge Congress To Pass Postal Reform Before Year Ends

As we near the end of the year, it is critical that Congress take up the Postal Service Reform Act of 2021 (H.R. 3076) before the end of session. This legislation, which has broad public support, will provide the Postal Service with much-needed financial relief by eliminating the 2006 pre-funding mandate (PAEA) for retiree health benefits. In addition, this bill maintains 6-day delivery, mandates more frequent reporting on service performance, and includes Medicare integration. 

In May, the bill received bipartisan approval in the House of Representatives Oversight and Reform Committee, the primary committee that addresses postal issues. It was also introduced with bipartisan support in the Senate.  

Now, we are waiting for it to advance through the Ways and Means committee, chaired by Congressman Richard Neal. The APWU is closely monitoring any potential changes to the legislation and urges members to contact Congressman Neal and encourage him to act swiftly to pass this legislation by the end of the year.

Click here to write to Chairman Richard Neal & encourage him to help get postal reform done.